Meditation For Faith And Trust

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Trust is our ability to have a sense of certainty amongst life’s uncertainties. This meditation will help to conjure up that sense of trust and faith. When we feel trust then our ability to see our lives clearly is enhanced, because you’re more calm and relaxed. This meditation can be done for 3 to 11…

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Yoga For Virus Resistance

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Learn the ancient tools and techniques to keep your immune system strong during this time. I will also guide you through the yoga kriya for disease resistance and meditation for the root chakra.

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Yoga & Meditation For Mercury In Retrograde

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Yoga & Meditation for Mercury In Retrograde Mercury goes into retrograde 3 to 4 times a year. While Mercury is in retrograde, it can affect us in many ways, such as our ability to communicate with others. This meditation will help you while Mercury is in Retrograde, so you ride the wave of the Retrograde,…

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Reclaiming Your Power First Thing In The Morning

“Early To Bed, Early To Rise, Makes A Person Healthy, Wealthy, And Wise!” (Read Time: 2 Minutes) In Kundalini Yoga and many other forms of yoga, martial arts, and meditation, we are taught to rise early in the morning.  The purpose for this is to rise in the early morning hours called “ambrosial hours” (the two…

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The Rights Of A Reader

How do you teach a child to read? (Read Time: 2 Minutes) I’m going to be very real with you. For the first years of our home schooling journey, this question rang like a bell in my head. Every day it whirled around, feeling confusion, and frustration. I doubted my ability to teach my children to…

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What Are Mudras?

What Are Mudras? (Read Time: Under 1 Minute) When  you were in your Mothers Womb, at the beginning of your development your hands were connected to your brain.  Eventually they began to separate, but still there is an important connection between your hands your your brain. This is where Mudras come into play.  Mudras are…

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