Battle Rope Buying Guide What Are Battle Ropes? Where To Buy Battle Ropes?
How To Boost Your Self-Confidence
How to Boost Your Self-Confidence! How to Boost Your Self-Confidence. In today’s episode, we show you how to upgrade and create an unlimited supply of self-confidence in your life. How to increase your confidence, Learning to overcome self-doubt, and other tools and ways to improve your self-esteem plus so much more. Just some of the…
Work Life Balance Tips and How To Actually Do It!
Work Life Balance Tips and How To Actually Do It! Work Life Balance. In this weeks episode we show you how to balance your work and life so you can have it all in life. How to be happy, healthy, wealthy, and successful in your own life and how you can use this today! Without…
Conscious Parenting Tips: Raising Happy Healthy Successful Kids
Conscious Parenting Tips and Raising Happy Healthy Successful Kids Like the saying goes… The children are our future! In this week’s episode, we share Conscious Parenting Tips on How to Raise Happy Healthy Successful kids. We want what’s best for our children and to help them become the best version of themselves they can be.…
How To Get Better Quality Sleep Naturally – Sleep Tips
How To Get Better Quality Sleep Naturally – Sleep Tips In this week’s episode, we take a deep dive into sleep hacks, tools, and strategies to get better quality sleep naturally. This includes everything from simple things that cost you no extra money to cutting edge bio-hacking tools that can help you get better quality…
Your Thoughts Become Your Reality (Watch Your Words Too!)
Your Thoughts Become Your Reality (Watch Your Words Too!) Your thoughts become your reality which also includes the words you use on a daily basis. In today’s episode we will be discussing this topic as well as How to be Confident (overcome limiting beliefs), Self Esteem – Your Opinion about yourself, How to Boost Your Self…
Be UnMotivated – Why Motivation Doesn’t Work!
Be UnMotivated? Why Motivation and Inspiration Alone Won’t Work In today’s episode, Dr. Dan talks about how inspiration and motivation are just tools that won’t work on their own. Just like any other tool, you must have the right one for the job. Some tools are better suited for different jobs. You wouldn’t use a…
Don’t TipToe Through Your Life So You Can Land Safely In Your Grave!
In this episode, Dr Dan shares why you MUST STOP TipToeing Through Your Life and stop letting others try to dim your light! You must shine your light bright and be the RockStar in your life that you were born to be! Live your passion, live your mission, live your true purpose, and shine bright!…
Ep #32: My Top 8 Ways To Make Money Online Today!
In this episode, Dr Dan shares his top 8 favorite ways to make money online that still work today! He also shares all the roadblocks, haters, and challenges he had to push through with a Warrior Spirit which is being a RockStar In Life! These are all strategies and ways Dr Dan has used to…
Ep #31: Why You Should Have a Bad Day!
In this episode, we discuss why you MUST allow yourself to have bad days and how they will actually make you stronger in your life. Just remember that having a bad day is better than having no day at all. So let yourself have a bad day and then move on. It’s like a muscle……