In this episode, you will discover the beauty of family bonding through implementing the beautiful tradition of the family bed. The family bed dates way back to our tribal culture and the 40-day blessing which enables newborn babies to enter this world powerfully so that they are fully integrated into their physical and energetic body.
Resources Mentioned In This Episode:
Ep #6: Hug a Kid & Never Grow Up!
Ep #21: Why Being Sensitive is a Good Thing
Transcript: (Read Time: 23 Minutes)
Siri Shakti: Welcome to the RockStar In Life podcast where you learn the secrets to unleashing your inner rock star. So, you can make the world your stage.
Siri Shakti: What's up, RockStars In Life, it's Siri Shakti. I have my wonderful co-host joining me.
Dr. Dan: Dr. Dan is here.
Siri Shakti: Yeah, we're both in the house.
Dr. Dan: Just so you know, I'm here.
Siri Shakti: Awesome. Well, this is going to be such a cool episode.
Dr. Dan: This is my favorite episode, right?
Siri Shakti: No, I was about to say that, but it's really … They're all my favorite. They're all going to be my favorite. But I'm not going to say that every time. Okay. No, but this is like a really cool topic. This is something that we've been using for the past few years with our family, with our children. We're going to be talking about something called The Family Bed. Another thing that we're going to talk about is something called The 40 Day Blessing, which we'll get into in a few minutes.
Siri Shakti: Now, The Family Bed for those of you that have never heard of it before, the first time I actually started to come across this term, The Family Bed, I'm like, “What is that? I never heard that before.” But it was really when I started or when we started our yoga practice about, what, 10, 11 years ago?
Dr. Dan: Yeah.
Siri Shakti: It's been about that long now?
Dr. Dan: At least, that's that.
Siri Shakti: Yes. Of course, the more that I got into our homeschooling community, there's a lot of people in the homeschooling community that do this with their family. So, basically, just sum it up is The Family Bed is just like it sounds. It's when everyone sleeps in either the same room or the same bed. I know some families that you can't fit everyone in one bed, so they actually line up a few beds next to each other. So, that way everyone is together and real close.
Siri Shakti: This whole idea of The Family Bed, this has been around for … Its roots go so deep into being like early humans. Really, the way I like to view it, is it's getting back to that part of us as humans when we used to live like in tribes. Because you think about it tribes, including in present day, there are some indigenous tribes around the world still. As a tribal culture, families would sleep together in one space, in one home.
Dr. Dan: Or many cultures that still do that today regardless.
Siri Shakti: Yes. Actually, it's not even just indigenous tribes.
Dr. Dan: No, even our friends. We have friends that are like, “Yeah, my kids always end up in our bed or always end up in that room. Or, we have friends that have like extra beds in their room because their younger kids come in there even up to age 10, 11, how old was that?
Siri Shakti: 14. One of my friends said that her 14 year old ends up in their bed every night. I'm like, “How do you guys do that?”
Dr. Dan: We're not saying force your 14 year olds, and your 18 year olds, and your 22 year olds to come sleep in your room or in your bed with you. It's not what we're saying.
Siri Shakti: Yes. You may be listening to this and have children, and you may be thinking, that sounds like our family. My kids end up in our room all the time. But you may not realize that there's a term, family bed, right? It doesn't necessarily mean that all of you are always sleeping in the same room, but it's the same idea that there's this innate feeling within children that they want to be close to their parents. It's very typical, very natural for children to want to sleep next their parents. Especially like the little ones because they want to be close mom and Dad.
Dr. Dan: Well, we were taught growing up, or not growing up, but having our first children. When Kayleen would cry, we were told by so many family and friends, they would say things like, “Oh, you just have to let them cry. Oh, you need to put them in their own crib, you need to take them out of your bedroom, put them in their own room so they learned early on.” It was something that was taught. Or, what's that other stuff, was it … There's methods-
Siri Shakti: Oh, sleep training.
Dr. Dan: Sleep training, there's names I remember hearing like people, “Here's this method, it's, you just let them cry it out.
Siri Shakti: I can remember being told, and I don't remember who it was, it doesn't matter, but I can remember so clearly being told that we needed to let Kayleen cry it out, because if we didn't, she was not going to sleep well on her own. And that babies will learn very quickly that if they cry, then they'll get what they want.
Siri Shakti: Well, when a baby cries, when an infant cries, all right guys, sorry to tell you, but they're crying for a reason. They're crying because that's their only form of communication to call out to you to say that they need your presence. They need you.
Dr. Dan: Yeah, they're not acting out like, “Oh, we just want some attention.” Or, “Why won't they talk to me?” No, hello, yeah, they're being selfish. No, its survival.
Siri Shakti: Right?
Dr. Dan: Because they don't want to be left alone. It goes into the DNA. Imagine if we were like 200 years or 300 years or 500 years from now, back in the past and you leave a baby in the fields and it's crying. What do you go like? “Oh, stop crying.” But no, it needs to be picked up because it knows it's danger, it can't defend itself.
Siri Shakti: Yes. Perfect story that just came to my mind, I totally forgot who told me this. But there was a story recently where this woman. She's a journalist and she went to Japan to basically like the slums, right? She actually visited an orphanage and there were babies that were abandoned. There was like over 50 babies. All these babies were in their little beds. And she said, “It was so eerie.” Because when she walked in, it was totally quiet. There wasn't a baby crying. Their babies weren't making noises.
Siri Shakti: It really struck her because she had never been around that many babies with complete silence. She asked the woman there, “Why are they so quiet?” She says, “Well, when they first get here, they're not quiet, they're crying. But after a few days of crying, and they don't have enough people to help and care for each baby the way that a baby should be cared for, they learn very quickly that they're not going to get attention. That they're not going to get love, and nurturing, and care. So, they eventually they're silent.
Dr. Dan: They give up.
Siri Shakti: They give up. It's so sad, they give up. I'm not relating your family or your household to this.
Dr. Dan: Yes we are. You don't do The Family Bed, you've given up and you're sad.
Siri Shakti: I'm not saying that. But it just is something that came to mind of the importance of us paying that kind of attention, that when our babies cry they're not trying to manipulate the situation.
Dr. Dan: No, and if you even think about it, imagine today with all this stuff going on. Like our last episode we talked about shooting and violence and things like that. People are saying like, “Oh, my teenagers don't talk to me. I'm not close with my kids, or I don't know what's going on in their life because they shut me out.”
Dr. Dan: Well, why do you think? Because, early in their life, you're like, “Oh, I'm going to put them in a different room. I'm going to close the door, I'm going to use a little baby monitor in case, or not use a baby monitor depending on when you grew up and what you believed in, and I'm just going to let them cry it out. I'm going to let them know, I'm going to let them feel that I'm not there for them when they need me. Because that's what they're crying for, hey need some love and they need to feel your presence there so they can feel safe. But yet when they get older … So you've trained them, you've conditioned to them their whole life to be like this, and all of a sudden now you want to be like, “Oh, well, I'm here for you.
Dr. Dan: It's an unconscious thing. It's not like your kids going to go, “Oh, yeah. Well, here's why dad, I don't want to or mom I don't want to let you know what's going on in my life. It's because when you didn't pick me up when I was two and a half months old. Remember that time? Remember those three days?” No, they're not going to say this. It's an unconscious, but it's something that's there.
Dr. Dan: If you are where you are, then you are where you are. So, if this is something just like us with our daughter Killeen, we didn't know any better. This is what we were told to do. So, we didn't do The Family Bed. So, does that mean that we've ruined it for her? No, because the it's never too late. Even if your kid is 22 years old today, and you weren't really there for them or anything, it's never too late. It's going to be a lot harder, but it's never too late. So, don't give up, there's still things you can do to get close to them.
Siri Shakti: Yeah, and I'm not saying you have to go invite your 22 year old to sleep in your bed now. We're just saying that there's other means of becoming close with them and re-establishing those connections.
Dr. Dan: Yeah, it's going to be a lot tougher because you got to win them back in a way, but apologize, “I didn't know any better. I would like to get close to you again. Can we do that?”
Siri Shakti: Yeah. This is actually a very westernized way of viewing childbearing and how we interact with our babies. There's a lot of cultures around the world that would look at our way of raising our infants and children as being odd. Putting them in a room all by themselves, they would be like, “What?: That would seem so foreign to them.
Siri Shakti: For us, it was definitely a gradual thing because when I first started hearing about this, it wasn't like instantly I was like, “Yes, that's what I'm going to do.” I just remember hearing about it and the seed was planted. When our daughter Molina was born, we didn't necessarily have The Family Bed setup, but I ended up … She was always near us. She would be like in her bassinet in our room, or like, we bought just this little mini crib, or like a playpen and she'd sleep in our room. But I'll tell you what, most nights when she was an infant, I'd end up on the couch, and she would be in her swing because that was the only way that I could get that girl to go to sleep is to be swinging back and forth.
Siri Shakti: So, it's not like we technically practice The Family Bed, but she was always close to us.
Dr. Dan: We didn't know about it back then either.
Siri Shakti: Yeah, I don't think I actually really heard the term Family Bed. But I just started to really feel that need to be close. But then, with Bodie is the child that we really started practicing it and-
Dr. Dan: The 40 days.
Siri Shakti: The 40 days, and that's what I wanted to get into next. So, within our yogic teachings, there is this beautiful tradition, and it's called The 40 day Blessing. I first heard about this when I was pregnant with our son, Bodie, who's now nine. I remember reading about it, and it just made so much sense to me. I knew immediately that it was something that I wanted to make work for our family, and I wanted to implement when he was born.
Siri Shakti: I'm going to break down how the 40 Day Blessing works. You see, when your baby is inside your womb, you guys are sharing one body, you're sharing one energetic field, or another term for that would be or aura. When the baby is born, and especially when the umbilical cord is cut, that can be quite a shock. It may not be completely apparent to you, but it's on a more unconscious level, but it can be a shock to both the mother and the baby. The way that we look at childbirth is that when a baby is born, it's not really done being born yet. It takes 40 days for that baby to really gain its strength energetically on its own.
Siri Shakti: What we do is, for 40 days, it is very much encouraged, and I know that there's going to be sometimes circumstances that come up that make this not possible to be this close. But it's really encouraged that the baby stays within nine feet of the mother. The reason we say nine feet is because that's how wide the energetic field spans. So, being that close, keeping your body that present and that connected with your child, with your baby for the first 40 days after birth, it's going to help that baby to feel stronger and really to come into its own energetically so it feels very balanced. It's really good for the mother as well.
Siri Shakti: Like I was saying, sometimes there's going to be circumstances where maybe the mother has to go away for some reason, or you have to go back to work, or different … Life happens right?
Dr. Dan: Yeah, we'll, do whatever you can and more.
Siri Shakti: Yes.
Dr. Dan: Do what you can to make that happen, where you don't leave. Enlist the help of your family members, your friends. If you have a particular job, work from home where your baby's close to you. There was times even after the 40 days when you'd have a headset on, and you'd be breastfeeding while you're watching Kaylee as well.
Siri Shakti: Yes.
Dr. Dan: So, you had both kids laying into you as you're making phone calls.
Siri Shakti: Yeah.
Dr. Dan: You got to do what you got to do.
Siri Shakti: Well, we were determined. So, I really think if you're determined, you're going to find a way to make it work. But my point was that I was going to make is, when I was first reading about this 40 Day Blessing, they said if there's for any reason that the mother has to go away for the day or whatever, go do something. That the baby stays with the father than, or with a loved one that you trust. So that way, they're still getting that connection, that-
Dr. Dan: Yeah, don't go get a babysitter or nanny or whatever.
Siri Shakti: Right. I got really crafty. In 40 days, I had two other children that needed to be tended to. So, if I had to take a shower, I would lay out big comfy blankets right on my floor next to the shower. I get in, take my shower, the baby would just lay there and sleep or play. Then, if I had to do some things around the house, I would use a baby sling which are the best invention. Wearing your baby on your body is awesome. So, I go around the house, do what I need to do, or if I needed to cook something.
Siri Shakti: That's another thing with food, one thing that I've noticed that families do, and I know so many people in my homeschooling community that do this is a few weeks before you go into labor, you get together, your family and your friends and you put together what is called a food train. A food chain is when each person takes a turn baking and bringing you, your family, a meal. Whether it be like dinner or lunch, and it can be like easy things to make like casseroles because those freeze well or refrigerate well. That can be so valuable because the last thing you want to have to be thinking about every single day is having to put three meals on the table when you're trying to get used to being a mother to this new child that came into your life. You're tired, you have a lot going on. So, when you have family and friends bringing you some meals. It's going to make that transition and that 40 day process or blessing that much easier, big time.
Siri Shakti: You could even do it with cleaning. Like, I know, my mom would come over and just help with little things; sweeping the floor, doing a thing of dishes. This is something that traditionally, our ancient ancestors have always done, is families would come together, especially women helping women, when babies were born. It's really a more recent thing in our Western society that we try to take on everything on our own, and try to be Superwoman, which I'll tell you what ladies, we're going to run out of steam. Actually, not just ladies, it's for the fathers as well.
Siri Shakti: When we have a new baby that comes into our lives, those of you that have experienced it, you know, it's tiring, right?
Dr. Dan: Yep.
Siri Shakti: You need some help.
Dr. Dan: Exactly.
Siri Shakti: Another thing too to add to this, when we talk about the 40 day Blessing, yes, we want to keep our baby close to us. But another aspect to that is, I'm not saying it's okay to take your baby out to concerts and busy shopping centers and things like that.
Dr. Dan: Yeah, don't be taking them to Target and stuff like that.
Siri Shakti: No. The first thing that came to mind when I was thinking about this is, when we went to Disneyland a few years ago, I remember seeing newborn babies being carried around at Disneyland. All I could think to myself, is I just wanted to go and get that baby and rescue it from having to suffer at Disneyland.
Dr. Dan: Yeah. I know that's very hard on a baby.
Siri Shakti: Yeah.
Dr. Dan: I know like when we first had Killeen, our first child, we took it to my parent's restaurant. We took her there, and we we're like, “Oh, yeah, let's show her off.”
Siri Shakti: Oh, we didn't know any better.
Dr. Dan: Yeah, we didn't know any better. Obviously, we know better now. So don't go out in public. When Bodie was born, we didn't even have a lot of people come over to the house for the first 40 days.
Siri Shakti: I even remember, I told family and friends that just to be aware that at first we were going to not have many people over. If we did, we'd have like one at a time. Because part of this is that your baby is very fragile at the beginning and so are you. So, exposing them to a lot of loud noises, it's very chaotic for them, and it affects them more than we realize.
Siri Shakti: So, I would stay home or I would walk around the neighborhood wearing Bodie on my body in the baby sling. I remember towards the end of the 40 days, I really had to go to the grocery store. So, I went to the supermarket earlier in the morning when it was quiet, and it was totally fine. He actually slept the whole time while I was carrying him around. Rather than going like when school's getting out and everyone's at the grocery store.
Dr. Dan: Plus you get a little stir crazy yourself.
Siri Shakti: Oh, yeah.
Dr. Dan: You're in the house, you're like, “I need to get out of here-”
Siri Shakti: I totally was like that.
Dr. Dan: Go on walks, and that would be great for a while. But after a while, the walks would get to the point where you're like, “I need to get out, out.”
Siri Shakti: Yes. Now I want to get into some of the benefits of doing The Family Bed because there are many that I could talk about. I think one of the biggest ones that I noticed for myself, and this was huge. Especially because I didn't do The Family Bed with Killeen, our oldest daughter. I was able to see very distinctly what was different and what the benefits were.
Siri Shakti: I remember with Killeen, we would have her sleeping in the other room, in her little bassinet. She would wake up multiple times throughout the evening. So, because she was in the other room, I have to get out of bed, totally be awake. I would have to go in there and nurse her. Then at one point, she completely stopped nursing. She just wouldn't do it. So, I'd have to prepare the bottle. By that time, after doing all that, I remember thinking like, I am completely awake, how am I going to fall back to sleep? Many times, it took quite a while to fall back to sleep.
Siri Shakti: I was missing out on a lot of sleep. Think about this, when you have your baby in bed with you. Your baby wakes up as babies do, all you have to do is rollover, start nursing, and fall back to sleep. What would happen with Bodie, is I would start nursing and within a few minutes, he would fall asleep, I'd fall asleep. It was like a miracle. I remember thinking to myself, I'm so much more rested with this baby because I didn't have to do the whole getting up and getting back in bed thing.
Siri Shakti: That is a huge benefit. Another one too is that, just like you were saying Dan, is the overall bonding. You think about that, when you were in those tender moments, and you're so connected, you're cuddled up in bed, maybe you have your hand on your baby. I remember I'd always hold his little hand, or his little foot because it's so cute. You are creating a bond between the two of you that is so precious. You have to experience it to really understand, but it's just those tender moments of being that close while you're sleeping. It's so amazing.
Dr. Dan: Obviously, if you're sleeping with your husband on the bed too, and he's like a deep sleeper or whatever, make sure you put a pillow in between the baby.
Siri Shakti: Oh, yes.
Dr. Dan: When you put him in between you. So that way you don't roll over on him.
Siri Shakti: Well, they even have things that you can buy specifically. I remember I bought one for Bodie and we used it for a while when he was a newborn. I can find some good ones and put some links on there. But there's those pillows you can … Because I know that was one of the things that came up for me, and I know many parents question this is, they get nervous are going to roll over and smother their baby. But there's things that will help with that.
Dr. Dan: Yeah, the husbands are more likely to do that. But the women aren't. Just make sure, obviously, you're not drinking or doing any kind of sleeping pills or anything like that because then you're not going to wake up if you roll over.
Siri Shakti: Oh my gosh, yeah.
Dr. Dan: Not good.
Siri Shakti: Yeah. Well, another one is that in the morning … I always thought this was so precious. I'd wake up and usually my baby would be sleeping still. It was just so precious to wake up and you feel that connection looking at their beauty little face while they're sleeping.
Siri Shakti: For working parents too, a lot of us when we go back to work, it's very emotional at first. You feel like you're disconnected being away from your baby. For working parents, at night to be able to cuddle up together, that can really secure that bond and reconnect you after a full day of being away from each other.
Siri Shakti: I've known a lot of working women that have said that that has been a big benefit of doing The Family Bed. Is there any other ones you can think of for you, coming from like a husband's point of view? Let me rephrase this, coming from the dad's point of view, what has been would you say the biggest benefits of doing The Family Bed with Bodie and having that experience?
Dr. Dan: We noticed things a lot different with him. Definitely. More connected. Not that we're not connected with our other children, with Killeen or Molina, just you feel it more.
Siri Shakti: Yeah. like that bond.
Dr. Dan: Yeah, it's not like moments, it's like a constant. That's what it feels like. You don't have any real comparison until that happens. So, yes, our children are close to us. And people always say like, “Oh, I love how close you guys are, and you guys all hug and cuddle together at times?” Not all the time, but at times. But with Bodie. It's way more often.
Dr. Dan: I would say that for sure. It feels really good. It feels really good just knowing and remembering those feelings and spending so much time together, and doing The Family Bed, and being so close to them.
Siri Shakti: Yeah. Something else I'd like to add now, talking about Bodie, this may help some of you that are already doing The Family Bed that maybe your kids are getting a little bit older. And you're thinking, should I continue? We did the family bed with Bodie until he was seven, he's nine now. Then for the past two years, he shared a room with our oldest daughter because she has never really liked sleeping by herself until recent. It's been about two months now, she finally said, “I want my own room.” I wanted to respect that because she's 16, I want her to have her own space.
Siri Shakti: So, we set up his own room. I thought, he's nine years old, I'm sure he'll sleep fine on his own. Well, hasn't quite worked out. We have tried and tried, and he really wants to be close to somebody in the evening still.
Dr. Dan: Yeah, I think only twice out of the many attempts he actually slept in there. Even those two times, he would get up in the middle of the night, and still run into the other room, and then you either tuck him in or just sleeping in that other room. But also to mention, when he did share a room with Killeen, he would still run into our room at midnight or 1:00 in the morning and scare us, and be like, “I need to be tucked in again.” Or, right when you laid him down and tucked him in at 10:00 or 11:00 or whatever, he would still run in and say, “I need to be tucked in again.”
Siri Shakti: Yeah, he'd need like triple tuck ins let me tell you.
Dr. Dan: So, we would have saved a lot of energy and time if he would have just said, “Fine, come back in here.”
Siri Shakti: Yeah. What we finally decided to do, and it's funny because this is just a conversation yesterday. Because I know we've struggled with, should we haven't come back in our room? He really wants to, and we finally decided, let's not even make a big deal out of this. He is not going to be, like my mom always says, he's not going to be 18 years old and wanting to sleep in between us, right?
Siri Shakti: There's been so many things that I've been concerned about with our daughters, with our son that I felt would never pass, and now we're way past it, and it's long gone. So, we're going to have them come back into our room, we'll probably bring his bed in here because we don't want them in our bed. We take up the whole bed.
Dr. Dan: No, definitely not. We have these folding mattresses that we got on Amazon. There's a couple of different kinds. They're anywhere from, I think start around 60, 65 bucks . They're great too when people come and visit. They're not going to be as comfortable as a standard mattress-
Siri Shakti: Oh, they're great though.
Dr. Dan: Yeah, but they're great. You can even stack them on top of each other.
Siri Shakti: Oh, we should put that link down for them. You guys will love these. Anyone that has stayed over, has slept on these, including … Bodie's actually slept on them in our bedroom. Everyone's like, “Where'd you get these? These are super comfortable.”
Siri Shakti: Oh, and one of the thing that I cannot forget about and you may be thinking about this as we're talking about this, I've had people not asking me, but I remember my friend Rose saying that people would say to her, “What about intimacy with your husband? Do you guys have sex? Do you make love?
Dr. Dan: Sexy time.
Siri Shakti: She would say to them, she's like, “We have other rooms.” She's like, “Are you boring? Do you only have sex in your bedroom?”
Dr. Dan: Yeah, you got to be spontaneous and be like, on top of the garbage can, in the garage, on the roof.
Siri Shakti: No, but you understand what I'm saying? Haha.
Dr. Dan: We were watching a movie, I don't remember what it was, but we're watching a movie and they were like, “Let's fool around.” And it was like 10:00 PM at night, right before bed. Did people really say, at like 10:00 PM, “We're in bed, it's time to do this. Let's do this.” “No, massage me first.”
Siri Shakti: I'm like, I'm tired at that time, I want to go to bed. The other thing too, there was this funny movie we saw a few years ago where there was this very more traditional, I'd say more typical American family. They met this family that was very … They depicted them as being kind of like hippies.
Dr. Dan: Wasn't that Paul Rudd? Wasn't that what it was?
Siri Shakti: I don't know.
Dr. Dan: I'll go look that up. I'll put it in there too. But I remember it was it was the actress that you like, I forgot what her name is as well. She was in one of the Batmans.
Siri Shakti: I'm totally forgetting the names. Oh, brain fart. But they go over to their house and they're in their master bedroom and there's beds across the whole room. He's like, “Why do you guys have all these beds?” And he's like, “Well, we do something called The Family Bed.” He's like, “Well, if you guys want to make love and stuff?” They looked at them all confused and they're like, “Are you planning on hiding your lovemaking from your children?” And they're like, “Yes, we are.” It was actually … Okay, maybe you had to watch it, but it was funny.
Dr. Dan: Yep.
Siri Shakti: With that said, ending on that awesome note, is there anything else that you'd like to add before we get into our RockStar mission?
Dr. Dan: No, I think that's it before. Obviously, before we go into the RockStar mission for today, reminding you to go to for links that we mentioned and resources we mentioned in this episode, the transcript. Download the free books, training, yoga, meditation, homeschooling advice, and so much more that we're always adding every single week. Go to and join the RockStar In Life revolution today.
Siri Shakti: Awesome.
Dr. Dan: All right. So, what's today's RockStar mission? It's going to be a simple one.
Siri Shakti: It's a simple one. I was thinking of what our RockStar mission was going to be, I'm like, “Huh, how do I make a RockStar mission for this one?
Dr. Dan: If you don't have kids, or no, if you do have kids, do this 40 day challenge, or not challenged, 40 Day Blessing.
Siri Shakti: Oh, you mean if you're about to have children? Is that what you mean?
Dr. Dan: If you're about to have a baby, then do this. if you're not about to have a child, then make one.
Siri Shakti: Okay, if you don't have a child, take Dan's advice, make one.
Dr. Dan: Yep.
Siri Shakti: All right, or you can actually share this with people that you know; friends, family members that have children or about to have a baby or already have kids. If you do already have children, and it doesn't matter what age they are, well, not your adult children, okay?
Dr. Dan: Or use this as an opportunity not to have a Family Bed with your 30 year old children, but an opportunity for you to get close to them again.
Siri Shakti: Yes.
Dr. Dan: If they're about to have children, share this with them.
Siri Shakti: Oh, yeah, and support them in it. But if you have young children, reflect on this, and give it a try. Try it out for 40 days, and see how it works and make it fun. It's like slumber party. It is such a beautiful experience that you can share with your kids. So, don't miss out on it. Just give it a try for those 40 days and see how it fits for your family.
Dr. Dan: Yep. Don't make love on top of the roof, that was a joke. That would be very dangerous.
Siri Shakti: Yeah, it might not be safe.
Dr. Dan: Nope.
Siri Shakti: Might not. Could fall off.
Dr. Dan: Exactly.
Siri Shakti: Awesome. All right guys, well, don't forget to get out there and be a rock star in your life.
Dr. Dan: Make the world your stage.
Be a RockStar In Your Life.
& Make The World Your Stage!
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